sparking hope with love, action and truth
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with action and in truth.
1 John 3:18

Mission3:18 currently partners with impoverished communities third world countries to provide nourishment for body, mind and heart. We train and support community leaders and families as they grow together in the grace-filled love of Jesus. Would you partner with us in sparking hope with love, action and truth?
Make a difference for a child! Your valuable donations serve our communities by providing food, bible classes, library books, construction repairs, medical assistance and grief support. Find out more…
Looking to go on mission? Discover the life-changing experience of a Mission318 trip! While on mission, groups help with building projects and food delivery. Best of all, teams build relationships with amazing people who love, laugh and teach us what really matters here on Earth.

It’s hard to resist these adorable faces, especially when you realize the challenges their families face. Become the person whose love and support changes the heart of a child… and possibly the hearts of an entire family. Your donation of just $25 per month provides a family with groceries, library books and Bible classes.
Make a difference! If you are burdened by the poverty and lack of hope in much of our world, then you are in good company! We continue to praise God for the ways our community members are learning to work together, pray together and bravely take on the responsibility of bettering their lives. There is a spark of hope! You can help fan it!