spark hope

with action and truth

It all begins with an idea that God lays on a heart. There are many, many projects in our Nicaraguan communities. From improving playgrounds to repairing homes to providing hot meals for school children, the need is great. Each little step we take opens the door in reaching the lost, the broken and the hopeless. Through working in these communities, we are able to establish important connections and build trusting friendships!

How can you help?

No matter how you contribute to Mission 3:18 and its communities in Nicaragua, you are a valuable piece of the journey to HOPE. We have witnessed hundreds of lives changed simply because one person chose to step up and offer the love of Christ through prayer, a donation, a gift, a repair or a simple smile.

There is no price tag on the HOPE that comes from truth in Christ. If you are feeling the nudge to join our mission but just don’t know where or how, please contact us using the button below! We’d be happy to answer your questions and give you more information.

Additionally, if you are interested in helping to support a project, please email us using the button below. We will contact you with a list of our current projects.